Calinog, Iloilo highlights its indigenous culture through the annual celebration of Indigenous People’s Day. With this year’s theme, “Padayon nga Paghugpong sa Pagtib-ong sang Pangabuhi, Kultura kag Tradisyon sang mga Ati kag Panay Bukidnon,” the event will be on October 28, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Alcarde Gustilo Memorial National High School in Barangay Alibunan.
In Panay, the Panay Bukidnon remains as the largest indigenous people’s group with an estimated population of 94,000 comprising of the groups coming from the municipalities of Calinog and Lambunao in Iloilo, and Jamindan and Tapaz in Capiz.
They are best remembered for their oral tradition chanted or sang using their archaic dialect called dagil or ligbok, it gives an account of their legends, and affairs within their community. Their dance, Binanog, depicts the movement of the hawk locally known as dapay and is danced to the beatings of gongs. Both are continued to be practiced during important occasions.
Calinognons celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day through learning from educational resources that focus on the traditions, culture and background of Panay Bukidnon and Aetas. It is a day to celebrate their heritage of Calinognons and for both native and non-native cultures to unite so the many aspects of native culture can be shared.
Indigenous Peoples Day draw visitors from neighboring municipalities and provinces with special events carefully managed to showcase their local cultural traditions through an enriching and interesting array of activities. the program will start at 8 a.m. with a thanksgiving ritual and prayer; 10 a.m. will feature Lectures on the IPRA Law by Director Ana Burgos, IPEd by Dr. Jesus Insilada, IP Customs and Traditions by Mrs. Elsie Padernal and Mrs. Felicitas Catedrilla, IP and Tourism by Gilbert Marin followed by an Open Forum along with on-going Workshop on Embroidery by Rocel Casipe and Wilson Lastrilla; Oral Traditions, Binanog and Instrument Playing by Rodulfo Caballero, Rolando Caballero, Regina Villanueva and Japhet Casipe; Giving of Certificates; 12 noon Lunch; 1 p.m. will have Indigenous Games and awarding Ceremony.
The annual cultural celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day empowers the indigenous peoples of Calinog by generating alternate sources of income by introducing and selling their crafts, and artwork to the viewing public. The continuation of this celebration is critical to its Indigenous communities’ with their contribution to the community’s well-being, resilience and capacity.
Every October of the year is Indigenous Peoples (IP) Month. This nationwide celebration is stipulated in Proclamation 1906, s. 2009 signed by former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and the RA 8371 dated October 29, 1997, known as the “Indigenous Peoples Rights Act” (IPRA).
The eco-agricultural municipality of Calinog is 59.3 kilometers away from Iloilo City. It is in the central portion of Iloilo and is comprised of 59 barangays over a land area of 23,280 hectares. It is bounded in the north by the municipality of Tapaz, Capiz; northeast by the municipality of Bingawan, Iloilo; northeast by the municipality of San Remegio, Antique; south by the town of Lambunao, Iloilo; southeast by the municipality of Dueńas, Iloilo and; southwest by the town of Valderama, Antique.
To get to Calinog, numerous jeepneys and buses run daily from Pavia People’s Terminal in Barangay Ungka-II, Pavia, Iloilo or at the Bus-Jeepney Terminal fronting Christ the King Memorial Park in Jaro, Iloilo City. For more information, please contact, Chester Larrodel – Municipal Tourism Officer at 09491760006.